Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Posting Schedule

Hi everyone--

In an effort to be a bit more organized, and to help my readers out, I was thinking of beginning a regular posting schedule.  Right now I have been a bit haphazard in my blog posting and I think sticking to a regular schedule would be an improvement!  What, if any, days work best?  Monday/Thursday?  Tuesday/Friday?  Or maybe even Saturday and another day?  If you have any suggestions, please let me know!



  1. which ever will work best for you.. that will be fine with me, I look on the blogs sites everyday that I read to see if there is a new post. so which ever will work out the best for your self

  2. I think Tuesday/Friday, many of the bloggers post on M/W, and then by the end of the week there are not many posts to read

    Just my opinion!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Friday. I love your blog. Keep up the good work.

  4. For my blog I do Mondays and Thursday so there are three days between posts. Tuesday and Friday might be better because many blogs don't update on Fridays but ideally it's up to you. Create a schedule that you can stick and the readers will follow!!! And if you are ahead in your writing you can always do a bonus post.

    Your blog is awesome.

  5. I just found your blog today and got all caught up. I'm loving the story so far! I find myself really relating to Ryan. Tuesday/Friday appeals to me. Wednesday/Saturday could be cool, too, though. I'm not sure many blogs post on the weekend so it'd be a nice change of pace! Of course, whatever you choose works for me.

    I write a blog myself, emmasendeavors.blogspot.com and I hope you don't mind me sharing your blog on my sidebar!
